
Monday, July 25, 2011

Random Strangers

Today was one of those days where someone unexpectedly stops by to "see our chickens." Obviously they saw them, but chicken keeping enthusiasts have to see them up close and personal. We welcome them. My husband started the chatting (which he LOVES) about the yard, hens, and coop. Tells the poor soul we live off the land, which we so don't, and really draws them in. It is like a fish story. Gary gets better with the telling. I can't say I blame him. Don't we all have ideas in our head about what we want our yards and property to turn out being? I have to say though. The coop and rabbit area are certainly starting to look like something worth showing off.

Our guest told us the many chicken breeds he has tried while I was wondering what happened to them all. He picked up a tip or two, such as, if your hens don't lay in your nest boxes they aren't very private. Hens like private. His nest boxes were so big his goats curled up in them. There's your sign. Apparently, his last batch of hens roosted up in some sort of tree house and all were lost to a wild animal. Gary also shared with him that clipping wings can be useful. Although on three acres I wouldn't bother. All in all our guest admired our property and on a parting note encouraged us to keep goats. "You have perfect goat property," he said.

Now Berea... what do you think? Can I keep goats. I will get the small ones that are hardly larger then some of my neighbor's dogs. It won't really be a bother will it?

1 comment:

  1. oh...we loved our goats! that's funny...nesting boxes big enough for goaties! :)
