
Thursday, July 21, 2011

Beat the Heat

It's hot. I know we don't have it as bad as other parts of the country but upper 90's with humidity is quite a jump from the 70's and low 80's that Ohio summers usually have. I secretly love it. Yes, I love the heat. But the kids and Blake? Um... not so much... here are a couple of ways we have been beating the heat.

The beach. It never seems quite as hot there, am I wrong? And with two beaches only a five minute drive from our blue house, we have no excuse.

Books. Inside. Many trips to the local library.

Ice cream. Sure it is messy but that is what summer is for.

Evening walks and bike rides at the dam. It is two miles out and two miles back of concrete. Living in the country, concrete is sort of a treat.

And you can't beat a sunset on the lake. Awesome, as in worthy of awe...

All in all we are really enjoying this weather and what feels like only a handful of nice sunny days we get a year. How about you? What are you doing to make sure summer doesn't pass you by?

1 comment:

  1. sounds like us here in OK...swimming, ice cream, library! fun times. and hot.
