
About Us

Hi!  Thanks for stopping by our place for a visit.  Take a moment to let us know you were here by leaving a comment.  We'd love to return the favor!  

Two Blue Houses is the dual creative outlet of Lauren and Jacqueline.  Inseparable since 10th grade, our friendship has gotten us through, well, let's just say a lot.  Our lives are strangely parallel, at least through our eyes (each of us settling into a bright blue house is just one of the many similarities).  We have spent our friendship sharing secrets and bouncing creative ideas off of each other, vowing one day to embark on a joint creative effort.

So, here we are...

We are excited for Two Blue Houses to be our opportunity to explore our many interests and hopefully uncover our true individual passions.  Expect to hear lots about our triumphs and failures in our backyards and barnyards, adventures in our busy kitchens, leading a frugal life and all things that promote simplicity and celebrate family.

-- better, er... more pictures coming soon!--


  1. um.. you think you have a slightly less flattering picture of us? yeah, i didn't think so...

  2. Gosh! That better picture needs to happen soon...
