
Friday, April 1, 2011

Two for the Price of One

Jelly jars or drinking glasses?

I was struck by an idea for new drinking glasses. Up until now we have been using wide mouth pint canning jars that we bought for our wedding reception. They are great for coffee, water, milk, whatever and they fit our "farm house" style. But the funniest thing happens to my drinking glasses... they wander off. Out of the two dozen jars taken out of the garage and put on my kitchen shelves I currently count four actually in the kitchen. The rest? Lost to oblivion. I honestly don't know where the other twenty jars have gone. They aren't in the house. They really aren't in the garage and they aren't in the car. They just disappear. 

Well the thought of wasting any more perfectly good canning jars on anything but canning is something I can't stand to think of at the beginning of this gardening season. In fact, all I can think of  now is how to get more canning jars (if you have any ideas let me know). The frustration of having someone over and NOT having a drinking glass to offer is mounting. I am desperate and that makes me creative. OK. That is a bit extreme...

Gary did some grocery shopping for me not to long ago and picked up this new jelly. I am not sure what it was that made him buy this brand. It was on the bottom shelf (basically the floor) of the grocery store we frequent but it tasted pretty good. A bit thin for my taste but sweet and flavorful. Anyway, we finished the first jar and liked it enough to buy more. This week I was at the store and noticed they were selling this jelly brand 2 for $3.00 and our store tends to run similar specials fairly often so it struck me. I would keep buying this brand of jelly and replace my drinking glasses! We always save jars. Something about a glass jar just makes me freak out to even think about throwing it out. They are lovely. Sturdy. Have lids. And I always think... I can use this for something. TaDa! 

Meet (my slow to accumulate) new drinking glasses.

Do you see the bottles in the window?
Those are part of my future revamped pantry.
There is a Before & After not far away...

Ghetto or genius? You tell me.

We are joining up again with Farm Friend Friday over at Verde Farm. Verde Farm has also joined up with Dandelion House for Farm Girl Friday. It is just one big party!

Welcome new comers. Won't you stay awhile and please come again? Thank you!


  1. Hi!
    I love your new use idea for glass. I'm on a glass kick at my house too for storage of dried goods, and heating in the microwave... no more plastic!
    thanks for this entry! I love your blog!

  2. Hi Deb!

    Thanks for stopping over. So glad you and Verde Farms are hosting the Friday blog hops.

    I agree... no more plastic!

  3. The jelly jars are even better than canning jars because they have handles! I am big into saving all glass that comes into my house. Old spaghetti jars and salsa jars are the perfect soup containers for my husband's lunch. Glass Kombucha bottles have turned into chocolate milk/coffee/water bottles for us. I love glass jars!
