
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Shadow Box Project

Did you ever have one of those "fun" projects that was just killing you to get to but you never have time. Well I made the time! Even with a screaming, fussing, crying baby at my feet. I tricked him. Bribed him. Sang to him. I got it done. Well one part of it that is. 

I have always loved miniatures, therefore to start I used a generic oven bake sculpting clay and made myself some miniatures. I am completely out of practice and this clay most definitely wasn't as nice as the more expensive Fimo brand or Sculpey (I really can't remember what I used to use). If I plan to do more miniatures at some point I might spend the money and buy the nicer clay. Honestly, the clay goes a long way. One package made all of these.

Next I took a few of my miniatures, a shadow box frame I bought for .99 cents at some point, and some other crafting supplies I had on hand and made this! It has been just an idea in my head until today and I am pretty happy overall with how it turned out.

Then I hung it up in my bathroom. It replaced a slightly larger sculpture thing that was hanging there. I did not love that thing. A bit sparse I know. But don't worry. I have about four or five more frames and I plan on doing a series. I am not sure I will use all of them here, because I would like to do a few for my yet to be decided bedroom theme. I will keep my eye out for more .99 cent shadow box frames that's for sure!

Let me know if you would like a "how to" for something like this. If I can do it so totally can you.

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