
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Baby Chicks

The call came from the post office. Little peeps. 6 a.m. They are here. Always a novelty. Last time the postman told us that there used to be lots of chickens coming by mail to our fair community. Bees too. Not so much now a days. When we started keeping chickens there were no regulations on them. They weren't considered livestock. You could have a rooster, as many birds as you want, it was the coop they were worried about. We were told it ("it" being the coop) would bring coyotes. Really.

The shipping box from Meyer Hatchery in Ohio. Hurray local!

They are here. Great I was completely irresponsible and up until 2 a.m. and great we are about to get hit by a snow storm. I was banking on the end of March being warmer than the beginning. This group is supposed to go in a brooder in the garage. Right now the garage is cold, stinks of gasoline because of the tractor, and is cold. I know I mentioned that.

Huddling chicks. The are right under the heat lamp.

Out of the box they were cold and huddling. Each got a beak dipped in water until they drank. The one has a semi pasty butt already nothing is blocked. I will clean it when Gary gets home. All behinds will be inspected then. Corey came out in a hurry to see them only at Gary's insisting. He seemed completely unimpressed. Sixteen year olds can't "be impressed" by chickens. He would have been more so two years ago when the last group arrived. He was a better age for it all back then and hadn't yet been jaded by the heavy **Wink** burden of taking care of adult chickens.

In less then five minutes they had relaxed and were exploring their new home.

When we left them in the garage secure in the knowledge they had drank, were exploring, and no longer a heaping pile it was clear novelty had definitely worn off. I am tired. My pictures are not great. They are wonderfully cute but I don't feel the necessity to peer in every few minutes to make sure they are still alive. They will serve their purpose and will be a great addition to our mini farm.

Two roosters and the rest hens (well will be when older). They will be replacing my laying flock in September.  Hopefully the majority of them make it like my last group of chickens. Some loss is to be expected. The general idea is that this group will replace and/or add to themselves. Either by going broody or by us incubating their eggs.

No decisions on what will happen with the old flock yet. I am grateful to them for their service but I would like some long roasters or maybe lots of chicken soups with homemade stock.  They could also be sold on Craig's List to a beginner(s) chicken keeper(s). An easy beginners flock.

The baby is wide awake and bushy tailed. He shouldn't be up. I hope to get him to lay down very very soon and I will follow his example. How does he know I am not sleeping soundly in my bed? Baby's must have sonar or something. Perhaps his bottle will convince him it is still sleep time?

Well I am enjoying a breakfast of champions. Dry granola and coffee. Until next time.


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  1. if you sprinkle some ground oatmeal with the feed
    it helps with their bottoms...

  2. Already done. We add oatmeal to the feed anyway and a bit of sugar (at first) to their water to get them energized.

    They look very happy and warm now. It is toasty in the brooder Gary built!

  3. Love the chickies. So glad you joined Farm Friend Friday. Love your blog. Can’t wait to read about how you and your sister ended up living in blue farm houses many miles apart. That is amazing :) Glad to have you join us and I’m joining you now so I can keep up with you ongoing.

  4. Thanks all for visiting and commenting. All chicks are happy and healthy and running around peeping like mad! :)

  5. Glad to hear the chicks are well. I am just getting some older hens to just supplement my even older flock. As much as I love the chicks, I thought the older ones would be way easier.

  6. Edenhills (Teresa)- Thanks for stopping by. I think you are wise! The baby chicks are a bit more work than older birds. :) I hope that these birds will hatch their own young in the future...
