
Monday, January 24, 2011

Weekend Highlights: The Real Magnificent Monday

Wish list: Clark's of England shoes. I fell in love at first sight. That never happens. Girls night out at the mall (not a normal activity), saw these shoes, and actually actually loved them. Dark brown, size 9, please Santa. It is nice to dream. I really would like some new shoes.

However, I really need new farm boots and while the price tag on these is insane, I would love a pair of Hunter wellies in teal. Honestly, I don't know what has come over me to make a wish list. I have much more pressing and practical things to spend my limited funds on. So here is where the wish list will stay. I will find something more affordable at the thrift store eventually. My feet have decided to stay size 9 after the baby was born so my old boots just don't fit.

Things to come:
Personally, I will be investigating a herd share to support a local farmer. Most of my investigating is done and I am just waiting on the proper time to commit. I look forward to making yogurt, yogurt cheese, and many other things with my share and I will then share with you!

Hubby and I are busy planning a green house build, talking about adding more sheds and barns and planning the garden expansion. There is talk of adding a pig to the mix, refreshing the chickens, and putting up new fences. Trust me, we have to do all of this on a dime and I will share how we do. The rabbit breeding operation will start in a few short months. Seeds have to be ordered and started and I have a special project in mind that I need to finish planning and reveal. I am pretty excited about this project. Let me say it involves community.

Just two weekends from now I will be attending a veggie fermenting "party". The idea is to build up gut health via fermented vegetables. By eating fermented vegetables (which I am sure will be an acquired taste) you eliminate the need for probiotics. It will be a sort of "how to" day and I plan on sharing it all with you.

Not long about I found an exciting local resource, the Local Food Cleveland site as well the City Fresh site. I will be looking into and perhaps even diving into both communities. City Fresh might be a promising way for myself and some others to get locally grown, early season, veggies. We will have to see.

I just finished listening to Novella Carpenter's Farm City book on CD and was inspired more than ever to double my efforts in raising my own food to share and eating meat that I raised. I was already pretty passionate about that before I listened to her book but it was gritty and real. Amusing as well. I am still giggling.

A wood stove is getting added to our garage that my hubby built. We need a few more sections of pipe and to clean out the rest of the garage junk but I will be posting soon about the awesome stove to warm up the animals and humans and green house that will be added to the garage.

Last but not least I have been reading (one of the many books I have been reading) "Becoming the Answer to Our Prayers: Prayer for Ordinary Radicals." by Shane Claiborne and Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove. I have been touched by Shane and his wild and wonderful way of life and how he is living out his faith in community with others. Check out The Simple Way. It isn't your ordinary community.

This is just the icing on the cake. I can't wait to get to all the stuff this year holds. All the dreaming of green and garden makes this winter lock down much more bearable.

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