
Friday, October 22, 2010

This Weekend

(The kids at the beach a couple of Sundays ago...)

Some fun (and not-so-fun) things Lauren and I have going on this weekend...
  1. Friday night at my house means homemade pizzas and video games. And I do mean every Friday night. Its kind of a tradition.
  2. Saturday morning, Lauren will be picking up a trio of rabbits to raise in her backyard!
  3. I will be volunteering at my church in the nursery this Sunday morning.
  4. I hope to give my van one last good cleaning before it gets too cold... keyword: hope...
  5. Bake something yummy and warm! If I could, you know I would share! Come back next week for a perfect autumn recipe!
  6. Put the gardens to bed for the winter.
  7. I'm positive there are going to be a few loads of laundry in here somewhere... AND THE BEST PART...
  8. Lauren and I are (attempting) to host a fancy shmansy dinner party for some of our good friends ON THE CHEAP! Expect a full week of posts all about the thrifty decor and all the little extras to make your guests feel loved!
Hope you enjoy the weekend, too! See you next week!

1 comment:

  1. No rabbits this weekend. We just had too much on our schedule. But my driving need to provide food for my family in the worst of times makes me think that this weekend we will be getting our rabbits.
